Whine, Whine Go Away!
I feel so depressed today. I haven't been able to bead for 4 days in a row and it's killing me! My great aunt has needed someone to stay with her 24/7 while her housemate is in the hospital for a hip replacement so my entire family (all 4 of us) have been taking turns staying with her in shifts. Between work and Aunt Mabel there just hasn't been time to sit down and create. I have been commissioned to make 4 necklaces and another set of bracelets which have my fingers itching to get started. And, now my 11 year old nephew wants to know if I'll make a "guy" bracelet for him. I said sure. I'm actually kind of excited to try my hand at some masculine jewelry. I have ideas flying around in my head for that as well, but can't do anything about it for at least a couple more days. Bummer! Maybe by the next time I post I'll have new bracelets and necklaces to boast about instead of whinning. Thanks for letting me vent. ;-)
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